Well I am back in South Beach, sort of. I actually live on 28th st. and South Beach technically stops around 23rd st. but who is really counting anyway. Last year I lived on 7th st., so it all evens out for the time I'll be staying here in S0Be.
School is going well so far, and I am enjoying my classes. The weather here is perfect right now, and sometimes even gets a little bit chilly. I don't mind it though, so there are no complaints on my end.
On another note, my time visiting Adam in the D.C. area was great and I am really glad that I went. I got the chance to visit quite a few museums while I was there. One of the places that I remember liking as a kid was the air & space museum. I went there once last year when I went to visit Adam, and twice this year. I also visited the Museum of natural history, and it was pretty cool as well. I got the chance to see an exhibit of live butterflies (2 moths) that was really cool. There were over 250 live butterflies in the exhibit, live flowers, feeders, and it was all enclosed into a greenhouse sort of area in the museum.
I also got the chance to go to a Capitals hockey game while I was there, which you got to see earlier on the blog. I was able to watch the WSU Cougar basketball games while I was there with quite a few alumni, and got the chance to meet quite a few new people while I was up there, which was nice too.
Overall I had a great time, and was bummed to leave. Hopefully I get to go back up there soon. Well, I have to go now. Sorry that I haven't been posting too often lately, that has been my fault. see ya.